Унајмите наменски OpenCart девелопер
ин Србија

Оспособљавање је једноставно унајмити наменски OpenCart програмер ин Србија

ОпенЦарт је систем за управљање онлајн продавницама. На бази ПХП-а, користећи МиСКЛ базу података. Према Буилдвитх.цом-у, скоро 6% светских малопродаваца користи ОпенЦарт.
Унајмите наменски OpenCart девелопер
Висока потражња за OpenCart програмерима
Чињенице су јасне. Потражња за високо квалификованим талентима у развоју OpenCart је већа од понуде. То ствара огроман недостатак на тржишту. Наша мисија је једноставна: Хунт, хире, задржи најбоље OpenCart програмера ин Србија. Ово омогућава нашим клијентима да увек остану испред криве.Унајмите наменски OpenCart девелопер
У срцу Источне Европе
Теам Ектенсион се налази у Букурешту, у Румунији. Као почетни центар, Букурешт има многе предности, укључујући високе брзине Фибер Оптиц интернет прикључака (Румунија је рангирала на петом месту на свијету за брзину интернетског повезивања на блоомберг.цом), ниске оперативне трошкове и режијске трошкове; плус, богатство домаћих техничких талената. С обзиром на пораст потребних предузетничких култура самоодрживости и флексибилности, која је ојачала пословни сектор, богатство техничких вештина и ресурса који говоре енглески.
Унајмите наменски OpenCart девелопер
Наши су запослени
Ми у Теам Ектенсион-у верујемо да се успјешност нашег пословања у великој мјери ослања на срећу наших запослених, без обзира на то што градимо, измишљамо или продајемо. Ми пуно повјерење у наш технички таленат и њихов раст унутар наше организације; једноставно зато што не можемо напредовати и расти без наших тимова.
То је права разлика између освајања и губитка у нашем мишљењу.
Унајмите наменски OpenCart девелоперFAQ
Are there any upfront recruiting or contractual costs when hiring OpenCart developers with TE?
Yes. We require an initial deposit that will be applied as a credit to your first invoice once you hire your OpenCart developers. If you decide not to move forward, your deposit will be completely refunded.
Can I swap a resource for another?
Yes. While we rigorously screen our resources to ensure they meet your requirements, we understand that not every developer will be a perfect fit for every company.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We primarily work with ACH, bank wires and typically work with EUR, CHF, USD and GBP. For smaller amounts, we do accept all major credit cards.
Who owns the legal rights of the work created by my OpenCart developers?
You, the client. Our team works directly for you and upon full payment all IP, rights, products & code produced by TE are your property.
Where are your OpenCart developers located at?
All our OpenCart developers work from one of our facilities in Eastern Europe. This is to guarantee the IP, security, know-how of our clients' proprietary code and assets. We have facilities in most of Eastern Europe, in particular in Romania, Ukraine, and in the Balkans. Feel free to schedule a visit!
Why don't you allow OpenCart developers to work from home or remotely?
TE is known to be strict on security. Remote work, and freelancing is great as a concept, but our clients, Fortune 500 companies and governments in particular, are very keen to make sure the IP of what their OpenCart developers work on, is safely stored.
How much should I budget to hire a OpenCart developer with Team Extension?
We do not compete on price, we compete on quality. The market is in high demand for OpenCart developers, and there is not enough OpenCart developers to go around. Simple economics you might say. This means that pricing around the world is high, regardless of location. We employ your OpenCart developer directly (on your behalf). We pay all the employements taxes, and employment contribution to the state. Hassle-free for you. No complicated paperwork and administrative hassle to go through.
Who is going to manage my OpenCart developer?
You. This is a major advantage for you and our OpenCart developers. You work directly together. That's why we typically let our clients manage their OpenCart developers directly. You know your OpenCart application better than anyone. Upon request, we also provide project management -on your behalf- of your OpenCart developers.
Can my OpenCart programmers work from our company offices?
Yes. On-site deployment of OpenCart developer staff is available upon request. All TE developers will have final say in relocation because happy developers are a top priority. All cost of living adjustments & relocation fees are passed along to the client. This arrangement works best for 3-6 month periods. Client's seeking long-term on-site relocation are advised to let TE know in advance so we may hire specific OpenCart candidates looking for relocation.
Do you do QA? What about CS?
Yes. Think of us as an extension of your team. For QA, we perform free QA smoke test on your OpenCart application. We highly recommend you allocate for a dedicated QA in your budget. For CS, we also have resources available to do the CS of your OpenCart application.
What tools does Team Extension typically use?
Team Extension uses Git, GitHub, Jira, Slack for communication. We'll also invite you to our Slack channel.
At our company, we are using specific tools. VPN, etc. Could my OpenCart developer use them too?
Yes, we can/will use VPN, and yes you can use whatever tools your company is currently using and pass it over to us. If training is required, please take this into account when we are doing the onboarding of your OpenCart developers. Lastly, if licenses are required, please make sure to procure licenses of the software in question for the developer.
How do I get started? How do I hire my OpenCart resource?
Great news! Simply go to https://teamextension.rs/get-started/sr. Just fill the form and one of our expert will write you back within 24-48 hours to get your account setup.
I am interested to read more about OpenCart!
We are actively writing about OpenCart development and news. Simply go to our blog at https://teamextension.blog/?s=opencart
I am a skilled OpenCart developer, I am interested to work with TE. Where do I apply?
We are constantly recruiting talented OpenCart developers, simply go to https://teamextension.careers to find out about our open positions.
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